Are you writing a blog for your business?  With over 42,000,000 blogs reported back in 2012 with an average of 25 billion pages viewed per month hard to imagine that most established businesses aren’t writing content for a blog.

It’s fascinating to me that people blog for all sorts of reasons and topics. Some blog as a marketing strategy to build relevant content about their business and brand and some blog for a cause they care about and some blog for a passion – do you know how many food blogs are out there??  (Psst, let me share a secret, I’d love to start a food blog for fun because I love to talk about all things food related! …well, maybe when I retire).

From a business perspective blogging is the easiest way to tell your story, let others know what’s important to you, your brand and more importantly to educate your audience with relevant content they come to YOU to learn about.

This week I attended a one day conference called Social Media Rockstars where I had the opportunity to listen to a handful of the best speakers in the business.  One of the rock star presenters was Lee Odden, CEO of Top Rank Marketing, a major digital marketing agency in Minnesota.  Lee shared with us the top 7 lessons he has learned relative to blogging that are worth sharing here.

Lee’s 7 Lessons

1. Stand for something specific!  Focus attracts attention and builds your authority and credibility.

2. Know your customer.  Learn to listen and be empathetic as that drives relevance. Know what kinds of offers get them to take action.

3.  Connect online to offline and back. 

4.  Great content isn’t great until it’s discovered, consumed and shared.  Tip:  use photos you took vs stock photos as they are more personal. –>> example: Lee Odden at social media rock star event

5.  Everyone has finite topic ideas, look beyond yourself for content writers.

6.  Interact and create value.
      – Interview thought leaders
      – Mention peers, co-workers, customers
      – Make lists and recognize talent
      – Crowd source content with your community
      – Cross post discussions
      – Highlight comments
      – Call out contributors on social channels

7.  Evolve & optimize.  Capitalize on opportunities to grow continuously.
Check out the amazing  Top Rank Blog and learn from example of how one of the top marketing blogs in the country publishes relevant content.
Do you have a favorite blog?  let me know below. – JoAnne