Blogging is a form of content marketing that helps you gain exposure online and attract your target audience who wants to do business with you.

When you write content about a topic you are passionate about generally this is fairly easy, well that is as long as you remember to be authentic and share your expertise. I see people get stuck in writing on their blog when they try too hard to make sure every topic and word they write is perfect.  When we are passionate about our business just let it flow.

Here are some tips on how to create interesting blog posts

1. Think about what people most want to learn from you, what are the most frequently asked questions you get asked and then create a post around each of those questions.

2. You can create an article about should ask questions, this way you are educating your reader about things they should be asking about something

3. Remember, you are the expert in your business – create an informative article with stats and other interesting information that your target reader would find interesting

4. Always help your reader solve some problem they may be having that you can solve. Example: “How Blogging Gets You Noticed”

5. Latest news & current events – any time you can tie your topic into a current event will attract attention


I want to say something more about sharing your passion because I think this will help your content flow versus the writer’s block I so often hear about. Personally my mission is to inspire and empower people to success, I can do this by providing content that my readers will find useful to gaining that success.  When I keep the reader in mind and how I can solve their marketing problems than I can easily write content to my blog.  So think about your reader and how your expertise can benefit them.

“Creating Good Content Attracts Business” {Tweet This}

6 Ingredients To A Blog Post

1.) Create an attention grabbing headline, preferably with a keyword for your business

2.) Be sure your first 2-3 sentences offering compelling information, then your readers will most likely to read the entire article

3.) Create a sub headline with a promise or benefit of what is to come

4.) Make your content relatable, if we can connect with our reader on an emotional level of understanding than they will keep reading

5.) Create another sub headline and then share a “how to section”

6.) Always end with a call to action. Tell your reader what you want them to do next. Example: Subscribe, Share, Buy

So go out and create your perfect blog post and share it with me on my Facebook page or send me a link on Twitter!