The most effective way to communicate with your audience is through story

In marketing, the message you communicate to your ideal audience must be compelling and relatable. You want to connect with your audience on a level that makes them say “Oh I resonate with her or her story.” Telling a story is the best way to make a human connection.

Storytelling is not only the easiest but often the most effective form of persuasion

If you are willing to share your story your are more likely to attract and retain targeted followers who connect with you.  You’ve all probably said at one time or another “You get me” – well that applies in all scenarios including business.  If someone believes that you have a shared experience and get where they are coming from the more likely you are to gain a customer.  Simple as that, so what’s holding you back from letting your story out?

The know, like, trust factor

What you have built through your story telling is the like and trust factor.  It is a fact that we all do business with people we know, like and trust which equates to this following formula I learned from copy writer, Kevin Rogers;

  • Know – is revealing yourself in a relatable way
  • Like – wins you respect through authenticity
  • Trust – by sharing your struggles & secrets as to how you overcame something, you gain trust

How will you tell your story?

Video is a great way to communicate your story. For example, create a welcome video for your website with these four components to the video

  1. Introduce yourself and what you do
  2. Briefly state a struggle you had that your current audience will relate to and communicate it
  3. Tell them what you discovered while you were overcoming your struggle
  4. and finally convey the result you got from the solution

If you aren’t telling your story, your really are missing the proverbial boat.  No matter what size your company, telling a story – something deeper and more meaningful that will resonate with your audience will make all the difference in attracting and keeping loyal followers.  WHAT”S YOUR STORY?

Have you had success communicating your story to your audience?  Please leave me a comment below and share how you turned a struggle you once had into helping others.  (I’d love to hear your story!)

P.S.  One of my favorite non-profit companies here in the US who is known for story telling is STORY CORPS. They believe in the power of story as a legacy and that stories should be shared.  Check them out when you have a little time to browse their site.