LinkedIn makes update to the contacts section of their platform making it even more robust!

According to LinkedIn, the new contacts brings together your contact information and calendar events from other sources and keeps them all up to date on LinkedIn.

 “The new LinkedIn Contacts initially will be an “invite only” experience in the U.S. We are looking to learn from our limited roll out before releasing to a broader sector says LinkedIn.”  You can get on the wait list here you can go here to join the wait list:

new contactsThe new contacts gives you a daily tickler file of people in your network sharing specific updates such as a job change, or shares their birthday. This is a great feature because as a proactive networker, I will congratulate my contact for the new job or position, or wish them a happy birthday.  Staying top of mind with our contacts is a strategy I encourage you to implement, its what sets you apart in a noisy social world.

LinkedIn moved all your saved information from Profile Organizer to LinkedIn Contacts, a new, more powerful tool for tracking important details. Here’s a quick guide:

LI contacts organizer


LinkedIn also offers a new iphone APP to keep up with your contacts. They will send you the link to download the APP once your account has transitioned to the new contacts.

Again, this is another improvement by LinkedIn to make it more user friendly with features similar to that of Facebook.