
Many of my clients tell me they feel like they are not heard via social channels and many of them are right. It’s hard to get online exposure when there is so much noise!  Until you have built a loyal following on your social channels and email list it is challenging in this busy world of online marketing to have your messages read.

Here are a few tips to help you stand out from the crowd and gain online exposure:

  1. Find bloggers & other writers who cover the topic you write about and offer a different spin – this will get your noticed!
  2. Go to Google News and locate a reporter that you can share your point of view on your topic which they already write about.
  3. You can always grab attention by having an opposite opinion of an “expert” that has been reported on. Reporters love good hooks and want to hear from regular people
  4. Find your favorite journalists on Twitter, follow their tweets and engage them
  5. Find a journalist on LinkedIn – see what they’re up to and what they are posting – again engage them.
  6. Comment on relevant blog posts, tell the writer how what they just wrote about worked for you. Be specific – they might just feature you as a testimonial on their website. Be sure this is a person of influence
  7. Write FOR the media!   If you have done your homework and found a reporter who writes on your topic, write an original article (this should go without saying) and contact the two sites you really want to be featured on lets say as a guest blogger.  Contact the reporter and let them know you have an article that would be great for them, tell them about it and say you are also sharing it with XYZ website and let me know if you are interested.