We’ve all heard the saying that we do business with those people we know, like and trust – right?

But when you think about your target market or niche, have you targeted people that are like you? People you know, like and trust to handle your business?  Well, according to John Jantsch, owner of Duct Tape Marketing,he’s  found that most small business owners, independent practitioners and even salespeople tend to attract people with whom their share common characteristics.”

“In other words our ideal customers are often people we simply like and understand. Over time it’s simply too hard to build relationships with people you don’t enjoy spending time with or don’t share the same view of what service, value and fairness looks like.”

Most business owners tell me that the majority of their business comes from their current customers in the form of repeat business and the referrals from those clients.  It stands to reason that if we can get our clients who already know, like and trust us to campaign so to speak on our behalf, than we can build a customer base built on our like-mindedness!

So according to John Jantsch, “as you begin your quest to define and sketch to ideal client profile as a primary plank in your marketing strategy, start by spending some time in front of a mirror and then answer this question – would you buy from you?”

Humm, food for thought isn’t it.  Does your ideal client share your ideals? Are they people you actually enjoy doing business with?