Does your company produce a newsletter?  It seems with the high cost of postage and printing most companies have gone to sending their newsletters by email.  With most email marketing systems you have the ability to personalize your message, include great photos, video and call to action buttons linked to wherever you are driving your audience to next.  However, email marketing is changing.  If you are emailing to a business address at a large corporation, they have tightened their incoming spam filters and many emails don’t ever get to your recipient.  Once of the reasons for this is the pictures, large graphics and video!

What a catch 22, right?   Another consideration if your email is going to corporations,  is to reduce the length and width of your email, yes you are reading this correctly.  often professionals receive lots of email and they browse through quickly deciding whose email to read and now they often read their email on mobile devices. If you structure your email to 70 characters wide and only a few paragraphs in length the chances are greater that your email will be read.

Knowing your market is imperative when implementing any email marketing program.

Are you measuring the open rate of your emails?  Tracking your stats are the only way to measure results and did you know that a 20-30% open rate is considered good?  A 40% open rate is excellent!

People can click and delete so easily, so content is king, give them a reason to read your newsletters!


Need help with your email marketing? I specialize in writing and managing email programs. Give me a call and we can discuss how I can get the stress off your back and communicate with your clients & prospects.  JoAnne (763) 497-1779