When you integrate social media into your marketing strategy it’s important to balance your strategy with equal parts of engagement, sharing and promotion.


No matter the social platform, if you don’t engage in conversation with your followers your presence will die.  I think we forget the ‘social’ in social media. With that
said, the biggest challenge people have is getting their audience to respond, and I get that. My suggestion is to remain consistent and always include a call to action
such as;

– I’d love your feedback please leave your comments
– What do you think? Please write a comment below
– I’d be thrilled to hear from you, leave a comment below

Look for conversations on your connections pages and leave them comments, often that will spur reciprocation!  When you make new connections, ask them
questions giving you the opportunity to start a conversation.


Pay attention to what your connections post and if their content is something that would resonate with your audience ‘share’ the content!  I most often see
people share images and quotes, but also consider sharing content that your audience will benefit from.  Just because you didn’t create it doesn’t mean your
audience wouldn’t appreciate your sharing a great article with them.  Always share content from a mentor or influencer you want to be connected to, this way
again its great content fro your reader and the person who wrote it will generally notice and thank you.  Also, share your clients content!  This is a great way to
continually be supporting them.


People buy from those they have already followed the path of ‘know, like and now trust.’  So a good rule of thumb is 3 parts educate and
one part promotion when you are mapping out your strategy.  The 3 parts of education you offer will allow people to know you and your style, decide if they like
it and resonate with you before they will buy.  Whenever you do make an offer, be sure your post has a call to action and links to a sales page
or website where they can purchase your product or service.

Creating a simple Excel document with the day and times of your posts and the topic will help you to visually see your 3 part strategy.  If you’d like a copy of my
social media strategy worksheet, please email me and I will send you a copy.  Joanne@marketingdish.com