Recently I attended a presentation by content marketing expert Lee Odden, CEO of Top Rank Marketing, and is the author of a new book called “Optimize.”

He taught such valuable ideas that I wanted to share them with you. Lee posed one of the most important question to ask yourself…

JoAnne - Lee Odden - Beth Riegger

JoAnne – Lee Odden – Beth Riegger

What’s it like to buy from you?

How many of us put ourselves in the seats of our customers and from that perspective really ask what is it like to buy from us? Regardless if your business is B2B or B2C, we are creating an experience for those customers.  Lee suggest that you “work backwards to create content that answers those questions.”

Content really is King!

What relevant content are you creating? Blogs posts, video’s, slide shares, infographics, white papers…

Are you creating content regularly?  Do you have a content calendar to help you organize the theme of your content from week to week or do you haphazardly create a blog post from time to time and post a link on social media hoping someone will find you?  If that sounds like you, it’s time to change those habits and start creating a strategic plan you only just talk about.

As Lee stated in his presentation, “Content isn’t just things, think also in terms of the experience you are creating.”  Why do people buy from you now?  Find out why they enjoy doing business with you, I think you will discover that experience people enjoy when working or buying from you simply by asking them.  Following the completion of my client projects I followup with each client asking a series of questions to discover the outcomes they received working with me and what they enjoyed about working with me as well as how I could make the experience better.  These questions help you continue to tell your company story and provide content your audience wants.


Your content is about influencing a business outcome from your audience. So it’s important to understand your customer and create content that provides solutions to their needs.

“Great content isn’t really great until it gets found, consumed and shared” – Lee Odden {Tweet  This}

Steps to optimize your plan










So lead with content for your target audience, then promote via social and optimize your SEO opportunities!

I encourage you to pick up a copy of Lee’s book “Optimize”this great book will teach you

“How to Attract and Engage More Customers by Integrating SEO, Social Media, and Content Marketing”