Email is by far the best, easiest and least expensive way to stay in touch with your customers and prospects and to build on-going relationships with them.

Statistics show that about 90% of people who visit your website do not buy or engage with you, that’s why it’s so important to make them a great offer to leave you their name and email address so you can further engage them in the future.  An offer would be a free report , a white paper or other enticing offer that someone who visits your site would find valuable.  Don’t hold out, be sure your offer is good, that way the subscriber will come to expect great content from your site in the future.


1.  Know your market – find out when they read emails from you. perhaps a quick survey would be in order.  Data says that in some cases the click through rate is higher on Saturday and Sundays, but I would say that depends on your market.

2. Email can feel like homework – Don’t let your email feel like someone’s homework. If it’s too long, people won’t continue reading, if the subject line is boring – they won’t open it.  Best time of day to send emails typically is between 6-7 am because most people scroll through their mail first thing, that open rate drops off at night.

3. Consider Mobile devices – statistics are telling us now that 80% of people are reading their email on smart phones. You might consider formatting your emails to fit mobile browsers if in fact your readers are in that 80%.

4. Getting click through – If you want someone to click one special link, add that link several places in the email. Multiple links give you a better chance of people clicking through your email.

5. Getting your email archived – many people save emails to read later, to ensure yours might be saved you can include statistics, tips, links, tables or other pertinent information someone might want to reference later.

6.  How much mail is too much? – I recommend once a week unless your subscribers start telling you it’s too much. People who like what you have to offer will look forward to emails from you. Again, a tip here is to make the emails short and to the point.

7. Unsubscribes – People who unsubscribe are generally your newest subscribers, but they also are initially your best clickers because your stuff is new and interesting. Your goal is to keep it that way.

8. Metrics – measuring the success of emails is important so you know what your followers are interested in – then you can give them more of that!


>>>>>Need help with your email marketing and strategies?  I have a program to help you capitalize on your prospects and solidify your relationships. Don’t waste another month without capturing your leads!   CALL FOR DETAILS (763) 497-1779   >>>>>>Connect With JoAnne on Google+