Cause related marketing refers to a type of marketing where usually a “for profit” company markets to benefit a “non-profit” organization.

A business might align their values and dollars to support a cause they are passionate about, and it’s about social responsibility and some of the biggest and most well-known companies market this way and you can to!
You will notice on my website there is a banner for KIVA, which is a non-profit organization that raises money to micro-lend back to people  starting businesses or for expansion of existing businesses.  The majority of people helped by KIVA are primarily in low income, poverty stricken countries around the world.
I support KIVA because as a small business owner I know how important it is to have capital and support to start and maintain a business.  I also believe that if we help small businesses to be successful, they inturn support their family and community.
Think about who you might consider aligning your business with.  It can be a mutually beneficial relationship.  if you want to learn more, you should check out  Cause Marketing Forum.
What causes do you support?  Please speak your mind and share with in the comments section below.