Tracking metrics on all of our online marketing activities is critical to your growth.  This article I speak to email marketing and tracking open rates.

whats your email open rateIf you are not tracking your open rates on your email list, how do you know what is working?

All email marketing programs offer reporting features to track the performance of your emails.  I recommend you review the reports for each email that you you send including the links within your email that your email recipients click on.  This way you can determine what your audience is clicking on so you can give them more of that!

So how is your list stacking up?

According to statistics that I have seen from many various sources, the average open rate is somewhere between 18-25%, this will give you a metric to find out how your list is performing as an industry average.  Obviously, you want your list to perform above the average because it increases your opportunities to stay top of mind with your audience and share your offers.

Tips for emails that get opened

  • Write a short compelling headline
  • Make your content short and relevant to your audience
  • Capitalize on current events, news stories and anything new in your niche
  • Always have a call to action in your emails – what do you want your reader to take away or do next?
  • Keep images to a minimum

So how is your email list performing?  What are your challenges?  If you leave your comments below I will try to address as many challenges as I can.