The importance of brand consistency is often overlooked by many small business owners and what occurs is confusion.  People don’t recognize or understand your brand message when it is not consistent and the confused mind does not buy your product, service or buy into your brand.

I recently worked with a client whose brand consistency was one of the most impressive I have seen in a very long time.

The branding started with a wonderfully designed logo and color palette consisting of purple and green.  These colors never changed from the beginning to the day of the event.

The marketing message was also very consistent, in this case from the first mailing of the save the date card and through out every marketing piece thereafter.

You knew exactly why you were supporting this event and foundation and what to expect as an outcome from attending.  Clear messaging is the key to success!

I had the privilege of attending this event and was even more impressed as I entered the venue to find the exact same color theme of the marketing material  carried out in the room, they even concocted a signature drink that was melon green and poured into a purple glass which was a promotional giveaway when you bought the drink, again the theme colors were used magnificently.  The branding message of why people were there was conveyed through a video, speaker and activities throughout the evening.

Remember, your professional success will be influenced by the impression you make on others, both offline and online.

***Need help with your branding?  I’m available for a free 20 minute consult should you wish to take advantage. Shoot me an email at