Blog Post

To get the most bang for your social media buck you should be blogging. WHY? well for starters the shelf life is forever if you are creating content that does not expire or change.  This content is considered “evergreen”, it will always have value regardless of what year it is.  That isn’t to say you can’t mix your blog up with content that may change as time change but you want your blog to be a consistent resource. Here are a few tips for a winning blog;



  • Include remarkable content
  • Share stories that your ideal customer will relate to
  • Be sure it is well organized
  • All posts should include a great headline
  • and when you post, include bulleted points like this as it is easier to scan

Now you can post links to these articles and share on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and other social platforms.  You are pushing out valuable content and driving people back to your blog where you ultimately want to convert your visitors to loyal followers and then to customers.

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