I had a conversation just the other day with someone who said they were going to post a Facebook contest as a status update on their Facebook page. Unfortunately I had to tell them that according to Facebook’s terms and conditions you cannot do that!  You must have a hosted App (application) to enter contests on your Facebook page.

So what can you do?

You could create a contest and blog about it then post your blog article on your Facebook page with a link back to the blog – OR, you could get a APP that offers functionality of a real contest.

I suggest you get a subscription to a 3rd party application that uploads to your Facebook account or you find a social media professional who can host your contest.  Here are some suggestions;

Price ranges from $30 – $200 a month depending on features.

Think about the value proposition you get from running your contest.  Be sure your contest match’s the type of fans you want to attract to your page.

Getting the word out

Here are some ways to get the word out about your contest;

1. Set-up bonus entries for anyone who “shares” the contest on their page

2. Write blog posts about your contest, why you are doing it and speak to the person you want to attract

3.  Run Facebook ads

4.  Develop other content around your contest like a video