We tend to focus on our marketing objectives and strategies only at the beginning of the year when we should be updating and making adjustments when needed thhrough out the entire year.  Your strategy is the list of specific actions you plan to take to get your desired result.  Make your strategy  list describes your tactics and use  a verb to begin each action.  An example is, build subscribers list before launching new program.  Every item of your list should begin with a verb, which is a great habit to get into because each time you read them you are reminded to take action.

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What tactics will you use to implement your actions? Examples might be;

 I will build my subscriber list to 500 by April 1st

–  Complete each step of the pre-launch weekly schedule by May 15th

– Launch new program June 1st

Who will perform the tactic? Add that persons name next to the tactic.

– Post on blog 1 x per week – JoAnne

A spreadsheet works best when creating your strategy and the tactics. If you have a team working with you, share your spreadsheet on Google Drive or a smiliar document sharing program so everyone who is a stakeholder in the success of this plan knows exactly what is scheduled to happen, by whom and when.

Advance planning ensures that the right ingredients are added and then you know the expected result.

Sometimes adjustments are made along the way to make the recipe better!

Please share in the comments below with me how you actually document your marketing strategy, perhaps your tips will benefit someone else!