So many people I consult with tell me they don’t know what to write on their blog, is this a challenge you face?

I once had a client tell me she wrote one post a month and at that she struggled to know what to say.   Some of you reading this may be struggling with the same thing, it’s part of your marketing plan, you know you need to be consistent but you can sit for hours pondering what to say.  First I’d say you are trying too hard to not be yourself!  Remember, you are an expert in your field, you can probably talk about your work with a friend with no problem right?  So, pretend you are talking to a friend and  when you have something new about your market you want to share that you think is valuable, post it!

People read blogs because they want to learn and experience what the topic is about, they want you to educate and share.  If you amuse them along the way, all the better.

We live in an age of engagement, of course we want prospects and clients to know, like and trust what we are saying and it is our job to engage them in our brand.  I recently read a great article from a blog I follow called “Copyblogger” where the writer shares 5 Simple Tips to Open a Blog Post;

1. Ask a Question

Opening your post with a question is a rhetorical device (hence, the “rhetorical question”) that creates curiosity and gets the reader thinking. Thinking equals active engagement with your writing, and that’s a very good thing.

2. Share an Anecdote or Quote

Anecdotes are quick stories that can make people laugh or immediately establish the main point of your post. A nice quote from a recognizable authority or famous person can also work wonders when holding attention in those crucial opening seconds.

3. Invoke the Mind’s Eye

Producing a mental image in a reader’s mind is one of the most powerful things you can ever do as a writer, so expressly engaging the imagination is a powerful opening technique. Activate the mind’s eye of the reader by using words like “imagine,” “picture this,” “do you remember when,” etc.

4. Use an Analogy, Metaphor or Simile

Analogies, metaphors and similes are some of the most powerful devices available when it comes to telling a story in a single sentence. This is a great way to capture a reader’s attention and also acts to provoke mental imagery that allows readers to tell a story to themselves.

5. Cite a Shocking Statistic

Starting off with an interesting factoid is also a great technique. People love being provided with interesting data, but only if it is unique, startling, or even shocking. The statistic should also be directly relevant to the point of your post as well.

Remember, blogging doesn’t have to be a dreaded task, it’s part of your marketing plan and thus requires thoughtful, consistent attention.  Now go write!

Need help with a marketing plan or strategy for your business?  I specialize in helping you develop a strategy.  I offer a free 20 minute consult. Click the “contact me” page.