By now you have heard the word CONTENT used often when it comes to your website and social media platforms – right? But writing and promoting the right content is important to your success.

Initially your content builds trust and likeability with your audience, it shows them you have an expertise in the topic that you are sharing. Just like in cooking, we mix the right ingredients together to create the result we want – this is no different in marketing.

We mix various forms of content together to share our topic, brand and product.

What types of content could you be creating?

  • Blogging
  • Video
  • Podcasts (video or audio)
  • White papers or reports
  • Email

Creating content for your audience

When creating any type of content it is important to remember to create it for the audience you want to attract, and a good question to ask yourself is “what result does this person want from me?”

Content drives leads

By providing really good content that helps your audience, they will become more interested in working with you and purchasing your products & services.

Consistency is the key

Consistency of your content builds your exposure and gains you more followers! Creating a content calendar is a great way to stay consistent and makes you accountable to getting it done! To get started challenge yourself to one blog post a week, one video every other week that you can include in a blog post or email you send out to your email list and post on your social media accounts.

Please share below, what type of content marketing is working for you?